sabato 12 aprile 2008

An aspect of culture that I would like to analyze

This week we were asked to think about an aspect of the American and of the Italian culture that we would like to explore further. I think this isn’t an easy task since there are several different topics that I would like to analyze and discuss with my peers: education, health care, food, public holidays. All of them are very interesting and they would be good talking points. Since I have to choose only one of them, I would like to focus on public holidays. I would like to know exactly which are the national holidays during which Americans don’t work and compare them to the Italian holidays. It would be interesting to analyze differences and similarities among the nature and origins of such holidays, what people do during these holidays and the importance they give to them. I think that there are some differences between Italian and American cultures and this final project could be a good way to explore them.

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