photo by somefool (old school)
Few days ago on the lab we learned what an aggregator is and how it works. Before Wednesday I never heard about this word and I did not know what it was. Sarah explained us that an aggregator is a useful tool that collects syndicated Web contents and organizes them in a very clear way, so that you could easily retrieve and read them on a Web page. After having downloaded or registered for an aggregator, you can subscribe to various websites and blogs and you can receive updates. I learned also that RSS (‘Really Simple Syndacation’) and XML are languages that are used to transfer the information on a site in a standard format.
On the lab we started using Bloglines aggregator; it is a very useful tool that allows you to check if the websites or blogs you are interested in have been updated; it makes you save time, since you do not need to type every time the URLs on the bar when you want to see whether there are news. However, if you want to have a look at the entire websites, not only the latest news, useful links are provided.
Bloglines is completely free and can be accessed from any computer. Moreover, it is very easy to use: when you create your own account, you are required to give only your e-mail address and your password. Then you have simply to subscribe to and add the URLs of the websites and blogs you are interested in using the ‘Feed’ button (For example, I added some websites about dogs, English learning, gossips and cooking recipes). If you are registered for many websites, you can also organize information creating playlists. Unlike your personal blog, your pages on Bloglines, as well as the way you organize them, are absolutely private and nobody can see them.
That’s all for now!
See you on Monday
Few days ago on the lab we learned what an aggregator is and how it works. Before Wednesday I never heard about this word and I did not know what it was. Sarah explained us that an aggregator is a useful tool that collects syndicated Web contents and organizes them in a very clear way, so that you could easily retrieve and read them on a Web page. After having downloaded or registered for an aggregator, you can subscribe to various websites and blogs and you can receive updates. I learned also that RSS (‘Really Simple Syndacation’) and XML are languages that are used to transfer the information on a site in a standard format.
On the lab we started using Bloglines aggregator; it is a very useful tool that allows you to check if the websites or blogs you are interested in have been updated; it makes you save time, since you do not need to type every time the URLs on the bar when you want to see whether there are news. However, if you want to have a look at the entire websites, not only the latest news, useful links are provided.
Bloglines is completely free and can be accessed from any computer. Moreover, it is very easy to use: when you create your own account, you are required to give only your e-mail address and your password. Then you have simply to subscribe to and add the URLs of the websites and blogs you are interested in using the ‘Feed’ button (For example, I added some websites about dogs, English learning, gossips and cooking recipes). If you are registered for many websites, you can also organize information creating playlists. Unlike your personal blog, your pages on Bloglines, as well as the way you organize them, are absolutely private and nobody can see them.
That’s all for now!
See you on Monday
6 commenti:
Hi Veronica!!
I've just read your post about Bloglines and I really like it!
You explained everything very clearly and in details, but without being long - winded or annoying!
I definitely like your style!
Before last week class I didn't know anything about Web Aggregators too!So do not worry, you were not the only one!!!
In order to write the post for E-tivity 4 I looked for some information on Wikipedia, and I found a lot of interesting definitions which I posted on my blog! However, I believe that the short summary of all the main concepts you wrote is really clear, and maybe less annoying than reading all the definitions I quoted on my post!
A chunk of autocriticism!
As for peer reviewing, I'd like to suggest you to have a look at these two sentences, I think they'r not completely right:
"Sarah explained us that an aggregator is a useful tool that collects syndicated Web contents and organizes them in a very clear way, so that you could easily retrieve and read them on a Web page."
I think that in this sentence there's something wrong with tenses: I don't understand why you used "could easily retrieve..."; I would have used a simple "can", because the whole sentence is in present tense (except for the first verb).
"Then you have simply to subscribe..."
Please check the position of the adverb; in my opinion the best solution would have been "Then you simply have to subscribe...".
That's all for grammar mistakes!
As I said, your post is really well written!
As for style, as far as I'm concerned I do not like colours, so I don't like the fact that you changed the colour of some words all along your text...it makes everything a little bit confusing!
But obviously, it's just my opinion!
I must go now, hope to read your comment and peer review on my blog soon!
Hi Veronica!
I do agree with Camilla and I think your post is written very well.
I agree with Camilla for peer reviewing as well. You made such common mistakes; I have to be very careful at them, me too! =)
Your post is well structured and you give us the basic information about what we have learned so far.
Good job Veronica!!!
Personally, I like colours very much (as you can guess from my posts). Therefore I really like your blog!
Huge kiss!
see you
Hi Veronica!
Thank you so much for your helpful corrections and for your suggestions as well. Even though I always check my posts before publishing and I read them out loud, I always make some stupid mistakes. That’s very irritating!
Anyway, thank you so much for correcting me!
Huge kiss!
Dear Veronica,
How are you?
I liked reading your post because it has a very clear structure and you described how to use Bloglines and its advantages in detail. You pointed out all the new things you learnt thanks to e-tivity 4 and how you put them into practise, such as the playlists you created in your Bloglines page.
Even though I think your post is a bit too descriptive, I appreciate that you mixed definitions or explanations of Bloglines with your feelings about using it for the first time in your life; that prevented the reading from getting heavy.
Anyway, you did a very good job, and I’ve only two little suggestions for you:
- in the sentence ‘Before Wednesday I never heard about this word’ I would use the past perfect ‘I had never heard’ because there’s ‘never’ and you are talking about a fact that had been true for a long time in the past (you did not know what an aggregator was), but up to another point in the past, i.e. last Wednesday.
- ‘so that you could easily retrieve’: I agree with Camilla; I would use ‘can’ because you are speaking about something that is actually possible in the present.
Hope it helps!
Now I’m waiting for your comment!
Hi Veronica!
How are you?
When I read your post, I thought that we are "like-minded". You wrote exactly what I think about this tool with exaclty the same words I used to describe it! For this reason I have not so much to say, sorry!
Just two things:
- good idea the use of colours!
- remember that the verb "to learn" is irregular. :-)
C U tomorrow!
Hi Veronica,
Reading through my previous comments, I noticed that they’re too long and sometimes I run the risk of being boring. Excuse me, I’ll try to avoid it and to be concise.
Therefore, I will immediately give you my opinion. Your post is very well-written. Each paragraph develops a topic. I loved the fact that you used different colors in order to highlight the main ideas. Good job! I don’t agree with Camilla, I do think that the use of colors can be very useful in order to convey the structure of posts and highlight key words.
I really like your post! You clearly described how this tool works and what we can do thanks to Bloglines. Moreover, I think that your style is improving. There are some language mistakes, as Elena wrote. However, do not worry! We all do them!
I have nothing to add to what has already been said by our peers.
See you tomorrow.
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